Crossover (2020) #3 Regular + (Ellie Reading Cyber Force #1) + Virgin Cover Set
Availability: In stock
#3 Regular Virgin Geoff Shaw
#3 Todd McFarlane Cyber Force Variant
oks and Nickelodeon are pleased to reveal a new line of books for the smallest fans of Avatar the Last Airbender in the upcoming book line Avatar: The Last Airbender — Chibi! Avatar: The Last Airbender — Chibi launches with Aang’s Unfreezing Day. When Aang was frozen in an iceberg for 100 years, he managed to forget his birthday! Luckily his friends Katara, Toph, Sokka and Zuko plan to surprise him with a new special day to celebrate. But they’ll have to be careful while they prepare — it’s a surprise! Celebrated children’s author Kelly Leigh Miller (I am a Wolf; I Love My Fangs) teams with Avatar fandom favorite artist Diana Sim to bring young Avatar fans and their families this heartwarming tale of love, celebration, and friendship, in collaboration with Nickelodeon and Avatar: The Last Airbender animated series writer Tim Hedrick. MINOR THREATS #4 (OF 4) MURDER INC. VOL 2 TP QUICK STOPS #4 WHERE MONSTERS LIE #1 (OF 4) Have you ever wondered where the mindless unkillable monster or the serial killer trapped in a doll go between their murder sprees? Kyle Starks (I Hate This Place, ASSASSINATION NATION) goes behind the scenes to deliver all the gory details and more in his brand-new meta-horror series, Where Monsters Lie. Connor Hayes survived his first slasher in summer camp. A handful of years later, he barely escaped a serial killer in an orphanage. Since then he’s been training and planning for when he inevitably runs into these creatures again. He’s a respected special agent. And now he knows where the monsters lie and he’s planning for war. Where Monsters Lie will feature art by Piotr Kowalski (Stephen King’s Dark Tower, The Witcher Volume 3: Curse of Crows), colors by Vladimir Popov and letters by Josh Reed. The first issue will also offer a variant cover by James Stokoe. Praise for I Hate This Place: “I Hate This Place #1 is a truly mesmerizing addition to comics' horror canon, and shouldn't be missed.” — Comic Watch “I Hate This Place #1 is an excellent first issue, one that draws from more horror tropes than it seems like would be possible, ultimately creating something wholly excellent and wholly new.” — Comics Bookcase “The craft on display in delivering such a complete first chapter is cause enough for any comic book fan to check out I Hate This Place #1.” — We can't be satisfied with just one serial killer any more, can we? YOUNG HELLBOY: ASSAULT ON CASTLE DEATH #4 DC COMICS I thought it was weird that this week's DC offerings were all one-shots, until I realized that because DC ships on Tuesdays now, it has five ship dates in January, compared to four for everybody else. So this is a fifth week for DC, which, as it often does, means no monthly titles. I'd have to consult a calendar, but it will be some time before the other publishers have a fifth week that DC does not, when it will all even out. BATMAN: LEGENDS OF GOTHAM #1 ONE-SHOT Story: Andy Diggle | Art: Karl Mostert | Cover: Carmine Di Giandomenico | $5.99 With Batman preoccupied, his deepest, darkest, most dangerous secrets are about to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The guest list is strictly villains only, and the outlaw Red Hood fits the bill — putting him on a collision course with Batman's deniable black-ops team, the Outsiders! With Lazarus Island spawning wild-card superpowers across the globe, the stakes could not be higher. Jason Todd, Black Lightning and Katana will have to put aside their differences to save Batman's legacy — and with it, the world. That's assuming they don't kill each other first! DC POWER: A CELEBRATION #1 ONE-SHOT Story: Chuck Brown, Morgan Hampton, Stephanie Williams, Evan Narcisse, more | Art: Valentine De Landro, Clayton Henry, Various | Cover: Jahnoy Lindsay | $9.99 First there was DC Pride and DC Festival of Heroes; now it's time to celebrate Black History Month! Cyborg, John Stewart, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Batwing, Vixen, Amazing-Man and more take center stage to highlight the power of Black excellence across the DC Universe, in stories from a variety of comics' finest Black artists and writers! DC's HARLEY QUINN ROMANCES #1 ONE-SHOT Story: Greg Lockard, Alexis Quasarano, Frank Allen, Zipporah Smith, Amanda Deibert, Ivan Cohen, Raphael Draccon, Carolina Munhóz, more | Art: Max Sarin, Fico Ossio, Adriana Melo, Giulio Macaione, more | Cover: Amanda Conner | $9.99 DC is proud to present a selection of eight stories of rapscallion romance, prodigious passion and undulating, unbridled affection. Tension builds as Apollo and Midnighter are captured by an unknown alien species who are determined to learn the secrets of their super-soldier success. Harley Quinn gets caught in a scintillating fantasy: What would life have been like if she and Ivy had met in high school? Also featuring Fire and Ice heating things up, fan-favorite heroine Power Girl's romantic tale, John Constantine's mysterious tryst, an amorous Aquaman adventure and many more! These are lovelorn fantasies as only DC can tell them ... but it's not a Harlequin romance ... prepare yourself for the Harley Quinn Romances! "Undulating"? I don't want anything undulating near me, especially if I'm in the ocean. FLASH: ONE-MINUTE WAR SPECIAL #1 ONE-SHOT Story: Jeremy Adams | Art: Various | Cover: Serg Acuna | $5.99 A lot can happen in 60 seconds ... as the Flash event One-Minute War rages on, writer Jeremy Adams gives you further insights into the alien speedster race that has invaded Central City, and how the Flash Family fights back! LAZARUS PLANET: LEGENDS REBORN #1 ONE-SHOT Story/Art: Various | Cover: Vasco Georgiev | $4.99 NEW FRIENDS...NEW FOES...NEW LEGENDS! Written by Alex Segura, Greg Pak, Alex Paknadel, and Dennis Culver. Art by Clayton Henry, Chris Mitten, Minkyu Jung, and Jesus Merino. Ancient and dangerous power has been awakened following the eruption of the Lazarus Volcano, and this surge of fantastical power will affect the DC Universe forevermore! In Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn, we'll explore corners of the planet newly awakened and primed to restore some heroes and villains long forgotten! With the help of Nightwing, can new hero City Boy hope to commune with Gotham in time to save it? Who are the mysterious trio claiming to be resurrected siblings of Raven? How far would the Question go to chase a lead across a transformed Gotham City? And will the flame of Firestorm burn out yet another horrific host? Not if Harley Quinn has anything to say about it! Tradewaiting. MILESTONE COMPENDIUM VOL. 2 Heads up, Milestone fans! DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT GARGOYLES (1995) #1 FACSIMILE EDITION IMMORTAL RED SONJA #10 PAWSOME PUPPETS MAKE YOUR OWN PAW PATROL PUPPETS SC PURGATORI MUST DIE #2 Story: Ray Fawkes | Art: Alvaro Sarraseca | Covers: Collette Turner, Mike Krome, Antonio Fuso, Alvaro Sarraseca, Cosplay / Rachel Hollon | $3.99 GUEST-STARS GALORE IN A NEW TALE FROM WRITER RAY FAWKES! EVIL ERNIE, THE SACRED SIX, LILITH, AND MORE ARE LINING UP TO KILL PURGATORI! And so, all the gods of all the pantheons vowed: Everyone with enough power to kill Purgatori is going to, well, kill Purgatori. No, seriously. Evil Ernie kills Purgatori. The Sacred Six kill Purgatori. Lilith kills Purgatori. Huh, that was quick. Guess it's all over now. OR IS IT? Obviously not. Someone somewhere would have a trick up her sleeves if her outfit had sleeves. Also, for the first time ever: the eon place on Earth Purgatori has never been. Here's a trailer. VAMPIRELLA YEAR ONE #5 IDW PUBLISHING IDW PUBLISHING BREATH OF SHADOWS #1 Following two heavily lauded previous collaborations, Road of Bones and Sea of Sorrows, the Bram Stoker Award–nominated creative team Rich Douek and Alex Cormack will reunite for a third dark entry in their shared oeuvre with Breath of Shadows, debuting in February 2023 from IDW. The five-issue comic book miniseries follows an internationally famous rock singer whose desperate attempt to cure his heroin addiction leads him deep into the jungles of South America, where he discovers primal horrors that put his own inner demons to shame. Breath of Shadows is the latest announcement in an ambitious slate of original titles from IDW launching in 2022 and beyond. It will also feature work from Douek and Cormack’s returning letterer, Justin Birch, who worked with the team previously on both Bones and Sorrows. It’s 1968. On the fast track to becoming one of his era’s most iconic rock stars, Jimmy Meadows should be basking in the glow of newly acquired wealth and fame. Instead, crushed by the weight of a debilitating heroin addiction, Jimmy is on the verge of losing everything—until an old friend tips him off to an unorthodox treatment method hidden in the depths of the South American jungle. With fair-weather friends, local opportunists, and industry sycophants in tow, Jimmy sets off in search of what he’s sure will be a miracle cure. But as the excursion veers off course and the realities of their environment begin to bleed together with Jimmy’s paranoia and drug-induced hallucinations, the team quickly descends into a nightmare of bloody chaos populated by unspeakable horrors that surpass even the most brutal drug trip. “With Breath of Shadows, Alex and I wanted to continue exploring the dark themes we began with in Road of Bones and Sea of Sorrows,” says Douek. “I absolutely love working with Alex — Breath of Shadows is the latest example of how our creative partnership has evolved over the years into something awesome, and I hope to be working with him for a long, long time.” “I’ve always been fascinated by the jungle,” says Cormack. “When Rich and I first started working together on Road of Bones, I told him that, along with a snow-covered landscape, I’ve always wanted to draw something on the ocean — which eventually became the foundation of Sea of Sorrows — and something in the jungle, which is now Breath of Shadows. I’m immensely proud of this book, and I hope it gives all of you the creeps!” “Rich and Alex’s third book for IDW may just be my favorite one yet. It’s a psychedelic smear of body horror and creepy crawlies that’s infiltrated my nightmares and, in a couple instances, almost made me lose my lunch. Strap in, because we’re going on an expedition through the jungle and into a nightmare — and we’re going to have a great time doing it!” says editor and snappy dresser Chase Marotz. “I'm very happy to be publishing another book by Rich and Alex,” says supervising editor Mark Doyle. “We've been bringing in a lot of great new talent to IDW, but it was important to us to also continue working with the talent who have been here telling great stories over the years—and Rich and Alex fit that bill.” Breath of Shadows #1 will be available with three variant covers for fans and retailers to enjoy, including Cover A by series artist Alex Cormack, Cover B by Björn Barends and a retailer incentive cover by multi–Eisner Award winner Francesco Francavilla. MY LITTLE PONY #9 STAR TREK #4 IMAGE COMICS ALMIGHTY #1 Fan-favorite creator Ed Laroche (The Warning) is back with an all-new, high-stakes, five-issue miniseries in, Almighty. Almighty is an original sci-fi/fantasy epic that is perhaps best described as Max Max: Fury Road-style action combined with the mutated horror of Annihilation. "I can't wait for people to experience this story; each issue ratchets up the tension culminating in one of the most unexpected climaxes put to paper," said Laroche. The year is 2098 in a Third World America ravaged by economic collapse, anarcho-warfare, and a mysterious environmental disaster contained behind a massive wall. A girl has been abducted, and a killer has been hired to find her and bring her home. ANT #6 BLOOD TREE #1 Story: Peter J. Tomasi | Art: Maxim Šimi? | Covers: Christian Alamy & Brad Anderson, Gary Frank & Brad Anderson | $3.99 Fan-favorites Peter J. Tomasi (Batman and Robin, Superman, Black Adam: The Dark Age, Super-Sons, Detective Comics) and Maxim Šimi? (Escape from New York, Worlds Apart) team up for Blood Tree, an all-new ongoing series set to launch from Image Comics in February 2023. In Blood Tree, two obsessed NYPD detectives hunt for a vicious butcher called the Angel Killer, a sociopath who preys on the innocent family members of known murderers in order to “purify” the rest of society. This new story confronts the battle of nature versus nurture, considers how present and future generations are tainted by past generations, and asks the age-old question: Who must pay for the sins of the fathers — and perhaps even the sins of the mothers? "I always wanted to take a shot at writing a taut and haunting crime drama in the tradition of Silence of the Lambs meets Seven," said Tomasi. Šimi? added: "This book will surely grip the reader the same way it gripped me after reading the entire script. It's dark, action packed, and, best of all, it's got great characters." Three interesting Image debuts in a single month! FLAWED #5 (OF 6) KING SPAWN #19 NITA HAWES' NIGHTMARE BLOG #12 RADIANT BLACK #21 ROGUE SUN #10 SAVAGE DRAGON #263 WALKING DEAD DLX #56 MARVEL COMICS ANT-MAN GIANT-MAN EPIC COLLECTION: MAN IN THE ANT HILL TP (NEW PTG) AVENGERS #65 Story: Jason Aaron | Art: Javier Garrón | Covers: Javier Garrón, Stanley “Artgerm” Lau | Teen+ | $3.99 Serving as the capstone to Jason Aaron’s epic run, AVENGERS ASSEMBLE will unite Aaron’s AVENGERS and AVENGERS ASSEMBLE in a saga that stretches from the prehistoric beginnings of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to their last stand at Infinity’s End! In AVENGERS #65, learn the secrets of Avenger Prime, the most important Avenger in the Multiverse! He’s spent years manning a watchtower at the heart of all creation all by himself. Now his story can be told, as he suddenly finds himself no longer alone, but instead surrounded by an unbelievable gathering of heroes. To celebrate this grand crossover, best-selling artist Stanley “Artgerm” Lau has spotlighted one of the most fascinating figures that debuted in Aaron’s Avengers run: the original Phoenix Host from 1,000,000 B.C.! Fans can see her in all her fiery glory on Artgerm’s variant cover for AVENGERS #64, Part 4 of AVENGERS ASSEMBLE. Also known as Firehair, Phoenix along with her fellow Prehistoric Avengers will play a key role in the war ahead as they finally come face-to-face with their present day predecessors! Part 6 of “Avengers Assemble” Tradewaiting. BLOODLINE: DAUGHTER OF BLADE #1 (OF 5) Story: Danny Lore | Art: Karen S. Darboe | Cover: Ryan Stegman After arriving on the scene in 2022's Free Comic Book Day: Avengers/X-Men, Brielle Brooks, the daughter of Blade, will headline her own series! BLOODLINE: DAUGHTER OF BLADE will reunite the character’s creators, writer Danny Lore and artist Karen S. Darboe, for a five-issue saga that serves as Brielle’s fascinating origin story and her thrilling journey to becoming Marvel’s next great antihero! Not only will readers witness Brielle develop shocking new vampiric powers, but they’ll also find out exactly where she stands with her iconic father and whether she’ll live up to his legacy or give in to her dangerous new hunger! Right now, fans can check out the cover by Ryan Stegman for the highly-anticipated debut issue that was revealed this past weekend by Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski at the Lucca Comics & Games festival! “One of my earliest Marvel memories is watching Blade with my father, and being in awe of how intensely cool the Daywalker is,” Lore said. “Over the years I’ve only grown to love Blade even more. Brielle ‘Bloodline’ Brooks is literally the child of a dual legacy in that way: both Blade’s long history, and my personal comic legacy. When you guys join us on this journey, I hope you find a part of yourself in Brielle’s story.” I've never very been interested in Blade, so I'm even less interested in a spin-off. But, hey, the movies were entertaining! CAPTAIN AMERICA SENTINEL OF LIBERTY #9 Story: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing | Art/Cover: Carmen Carnero | Teen+ | $3.99 THE NEW INVADERS STRIKE! Captain America and his allies put their best infiltration tactics to the test to free lower Manhattan from A.I.M.'s grasp. But the battleground is not what it seems and the Outer Circle not so easily surprised. Can Steve Rogers uncover a lurking enemy — or will his friends face doom at the hands of the Outer Circle's most deadly soldier? The Destroyer? Pretty confused as to who that is (or was) in current continuity. Aren't there, like, three? I'd rather they updated the Golden Age Vision. But did they ask me? No, they did not! Is that the current Falcon up top? I recognize the rest: Rogue, Nick Fury II, Sharon Carter. Here's a preview. CAPTAIN MAR-VELL OMNIBUS HC VOL 1 Collecting Marvel Super-Heroes (1967) #12-13, Captain Marvel (1968) #1-33, Iron Man (1968) #55 and material from Not Brand Echh #9. Some of this material will overlap with Marvel Masterworks. DAREDEVIL BY MILLER & JANSON OMNIBUS HC Collecting Daredevil (1964) #158-161 and #163-191 and material from What If? (1977) #28. DARK WEB FINALE #1 Written By Zeb Wells Art And Cover By Adam Kubert The dawn rises after the demonic invasion of New York City, but what will that light reveal? Find out in DARK WEB FINALE #1 by Zeb Wells and artist Adam Kubert. The climactic double-sized issue will reveal Chasm’s final gambit and the new denizens of Hell he helped create and unleash on Spider-Man and the X-Men! Fans will witness how Limbo will changed the city’s landscape forever — literally! The latest cover by Kubert as well as an AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #18 variant cover by Ed McGuinness also provide a startling first look at the INSIDIOUS SIX, a twisted take on the Sinister Six that will plague Spidey throughout the event! You know why DC keeps kicking Wally West around? Because, with the return of Barry Allen and the advent of Wallace West, he's redundant. That appears to be Ben Reilly's fate as well. DEMON WARS DOWN IN FLAMES #1 Things are heating up in Peach Momoko’s Marvel Universe! For the last two years, the visionary creator has boldly reimagined the Marvel mythos with a fantastical blend of classic Marvel Comics storytelling and traditional Japanese folklore in DEMON DAYS and the currently unfolding series, DEMON WARS. Packed with stunning new designs of iconic heroes, DEMON WARS is a mystical take on the groundbreaking Marvel Comics event, Civil War. Written and drawn by Momoko, the series has already put an unpredictable spin on this modern Marvel epic, and this February, prepare for the biggest twist yet in its third installment, DEMON WARS: DOWN IN FLAMES! Continuing to follow protagonist Mariko Yashida, DEMON WARS: DOWN IN FLAMES will see Civil War collide with story elements from another legendary Marvel Comics storyline: the Phoenix Saga. Introducing exciting versions of two of X-Men’s biggest stars, the conflict in the spirit world will escalate with an incendiary matchup: PHOENIX VS. MAGIK! The spirit world is divided. Its inhabitants, strange creatures called yokai, have chosen sides, and the two factions are on the brink of all-out war. A bird-like yokai who wields some serious firepower faces off against a club-wielding demon. Mariko Yashida finds herself right in the middle of it. No matter which side she chooses, there will be consequences not only for the spirit world, but for the human world too. “I always write the story as I think of Marvel characters to fit the Yokai role. And for this issue I wanted to introduce Hi No Tori (Fire Bird) because it represents life and destruction (one of the themes of Demon Wars) and felt Jean Grey (Phoenix) was the perfect fit for the role,” Momoko explained. “Magik also had the perfect characteristics of a particular punkish oni so that is why I chose Magik to be in my Momoko-verse as well. I really enjoyed illustrating Phoenix and Magik’s relationship and using mainly fire for them to communicate. I actually wasn’t familiar with the Phoenix Force stories so it was interesting finding out more as I researched.” And on it goes. FANTASTIC FOUR BY DAN SLOTT VOL 3 HC LEGION OF X #10 MARAUDERS BY GERRY DUGGAN VOL 2 HC MILES MORALES: AVENGING AVENGER TP MILES MORALES SPIDER-MAN #3 MOON KNIGHT #20 SCARLET WITCH #2 SILVER SURFER EPIC COLLECTION: THE RETURN OF THANOS TP SILVER SURFER: GHOST LIGHT #1 (OF 5) Written By John Jennings Art By Valentine De Landro Cover By Taurin Clarke Eisner award winner John Jennings and artist Valentine De Landro (Bitch Planet) introduce a new Marvel Super Hero 54 years in the making in SILVER SURFER: GHOST LIGHT! Toni Brooks and her family have moved into the quiet town of Sweetwater. But nothing is quite what it seems with their new home. What mystery did Toni and her family unravel that would call upon the Sentinel of the Spaceways — the Silver Surfer?! And just who or what is GHOST LIGHT? What is Silver Surfer's status quo these days? I haven't followed him since the Mike Allred series. STAR WARS: DOCTOR APHRA OMNIBUS VOL 1 HC (NEW PTG) STAR WARS: SANA STARROS #1 (OF 5) Written By Justina Ireland Art By Pere Pérez Cover By Ken Lashley Variant Cover By Sara Pichelli Announced last month at New York Comic Con, Sana Starros, one of Marvel Comics’ breakout Star Wars characters, will headline her first comic solo series this February! Today, fans can get their first look at STAR WARS: SANA STARROS #1, the debut of this five-issue adventure written by New York Times bestselling author Justina Ireland and drawn by Pere Pérez, known for his acclaimed work on Iron Cat and Spider-Woman. Sana Starros first appeared in the early issues of Jason Aaron and John Cassaday’s legendary run of Star Wars as the long lost “wife” of Han Solo. Since then, the no-nonsense smuggler has played a vital role in various Star Wars comic stories as she put aside her scoundrel nature to aid the Rebellion with her sharp pilot skills and strategic expertise. Now, she becomes only the second Star Wars character that debuted in a Marvel Comic to boast her own solo series, and fans will see an all-new side of her! The series will reveal new details of Sana’s origins and introduce her extended family who have just become entangled with the Empire! “Justina and Pere give you the kind of Star Wars joy ride that old and new fans will thrill and smile too,” Editor Mark Paniccia said. “It’s jam packed with action, hilarity and characters you’re sure to fall in love with. Plus we discover some Starros family secrets that will surprise even Sana!” “Justina and Pere give you the kind of Star Wars joy ride that old and new fans will thrill and smile too,” Editor Mark Paniccia said. “It’s jam packed with action, hilarity and characters you’re sure to fall in love with. Plus we discover some Starros family secrets that will surprise even Sana!” Fresh off of a string of disappointments, Sana Starros returns to her family’s ancestral home for some downtime. But the reunion is far from relaxing when Stormtroopers crash dinner. They seek answers that only the Starros clan have, and the family finds themself on a collision course with the full might of the Galactic Empire! “Writing Sana Starros is an incredible honor, because I’ve really enjoyed what Alyssa Wong has done with the character in Doctor Aphra and so I’m excited to give Sana a little space to take center stage,” Ireland explained. “Sana is a complicated character who tends to play her cards close to her vest, and getting into her head and getting to share a bit of who she is outside of her relationships with folks like Aphra or Han or Leia has been a blast.” "I've been wanting to draw a Star Wars book since I was a kid,” Pérez added. “I'm really doing my best to capture what I love about the franchise into the pages, and to do justice to Justina's script. From the ships, to the exotic planets, the droids, the aliens, the creatures, the action, everything on this book is all I wished for and then some more." VENOM #16 WAKANDA #5 X-FORCE #37 MORE COMICS ANCIENT ENEMIES #2 (OF 6) ARCADE WORLD CHAPTERBOOK VOL 6: DRAGON FLAMES GN ARCHIE JUMBO COMICS DIGEST #337 ARCHIE'S VALENTINE'S DAY SPECTACULAR 2023 BACK TO FAIRTAYLIA #1 (OF 6) BACK TO FAIRTAYLIA #2 (OF 6) BEYONDTOPIA LEGENDS #2 BLACK TAPE #1 (OF 4) Story: Dan Panosian | Art: Dalibor Talajic | Cover: Dan Panosian | AWA | $3.99 Jack King was a rock'n'roll god who projected a stage persona on par with the devil. After Jack dies on stage, his widow, Cindy, grapples with grief and struggles to protect his legacy, unaware that she is being surrounded by dark forces that covet the master tapes to Jack's final, unreleased album — a heavy metal masterpiece that just might open a doorway to hell. Story: Dan Panosian | Art: Dalibor Talajic | Cover: Dan Panosian | AWA | $3.99 Jack King was a rock'n'roll god who projected a stage persona on par with the devil. After Jack dies on stage, his widow, Cindy, grapples with grief and struggles to protect his legacy, unaware that she is being surrounded by dark forces that covet the master tapes to Jack's final, unreleased album — a heavy metal masterpiece that just might open a doorway to hell. Story: Dan Panosian | Art: Dalibor Talajic | Cover: Dan Panosian | AWA | $3.99 Jack King was a rock'n'roll god who projected a stage persona on par with the devil. After Jack dies on stage, his widow, Cindy, grapples with grief and struggles to protect his legacy, unaware that she is being surrounded by dark forces that covet the master tapes to Jack's final, unreleased album — a heavy metal masterpiece that just might open a doorway to hell. Wait! Doesn't all rock and roll lead to hell? That's what we were told, anyway. BONDING PEOPLE & THEIR PARASITES VOL 1 HC CATEGORY ZERO CONFLICT #2 CHILDREN OF THE BLACK SUN #2 FIRSTBORNS #2 (OF 4) FLESH EATING CHEERLEADERS FROM OUTER SPACE #4 FRANK FRAZETTA DEATH DEALER #9 I spent actual time -- 20 minutes or so -- trying to find the names of these paintings, and failed. "Sorceress" by Frank Frazetta. Here's a preview. FRANK FRAZETTA'S DAWN ATTACK #2 (OF 5) "Stranded" by Frank Frazetta Here's a preview. GREATEST NAME IN COMICS DAREDEVIL SEASON 1 #2 HOUSECAT TROUBLE VOL 2: LOST AND FOUND GN KARL THE VIKING VOL 2 TP LADY ZORRO: FINAL FLIGHT #1 Story: Pat Shand | Art: Gerardo Gambone | Cover: Claudio Avella | American Mythology | $3.99 The swashbuckling adventures of Muat as Lady Zorro conclude with this special one-shot that pits the iconic hero against her most vicious foe yet! From shapeshifters to spider demons, from wicked priests to swamp witches, Lady Zorro's adventures have been a battle through Hell on Earth. Now, as an insurmountable new threat arises, how can Lady Zorro ensure the future of the legacy that inspired her. NOBODY'S GIRLS #3 (OF 3) PAIGE PROVES IT: CHAPTER BOOK SPOOKY STORY GN PHOENIX FILES #1 (OF 3) PLUTO ROCKET VOL 1: NEW IN TOWN GN PRINCE VALIANT VOL 26 1987-1988 HC Hal Foster, John Cullen Murphy, Cullen Murphy | Fantagraphics | $39.99 Arn takes his wedding vows in a milestone Prince Valiant strip. The most visually opulent comic strip in the history of the medium celebrates its 50th anniversary with the marriage of Prince Valiant's son. Val goes in search of a northern spice route, which leads him into adventures among the Balts, the Greeks, the Lapps, and the Chinese. A Trojan Horse deception in reverse nearly wipes out Val's expedition, and a dreamlike encounter north of Cathay involves Yeti and other strange creatures. Back in Britain, Arn's bride strikes a blow against chauvinism and liberates the women of the village of Orr to exercise their true potential. I stopped reading the story when Arn took over, although I still buy the books (and plan to read them in the mythical "some day"). And now he's getting married. How much further can the story go? Does it begin to follow Arn's children? We must be reaching the 6th century by now. PURPLE OBLIVION #3 (OF 4) THE REDDEST ROSE: ROMANTIC LOVE FROM THE ANCIENT GREEKS TO REALITY TV Liv Strömquist | Fantagraphics | The internationally acclaimed activist follows up her satirical work of graphic medicine with this collection of humorous comics essays about how historical and societal shifts have altered — and perhaps destroyed — "romantic love." The deceptively simple through-line for Swedish media personality and activist Liv Strömquist's The Reddest Rose is the question: Why does Leonardo DiCaprio date an endless string of twentysomething models? Her answer — in the form of this collection of well-researched, humorous comics essays — tracks how philosophers and artists, from the Ancient Greeks to Beyoncé, conceptualized romantic love. Strömquist's signature characters, drawn in a flat, blocky style, ask each other questions and offer sharp commentary as they guide readers throughout history and the change in societies' values, from showing love/loving to getting love/being loved. (Poet Hilda "H.D." Doolittle — who was so love-stricken by a man taking off his glasses that she believed they viewed dolphins together in another dimension — lends the book its title.) Lord Byron, Socrates, Byung-Chul Han, Ezra Pound, Slavoj Žižek, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Ariadne, and many others have cameos. For the first time in English, in The Reddest Rose, Strömquist wonders: in a rationalist, consumerist world, can romantic love survive? "Why does Leonardo DiCaprio date an endless string of twentysomething models?" Uh, because he can? Geez, I really didn't need an answer to that one. RED WINTER: FALLOUT #2 (OF 4) REFUGE GN Story: Bill Campbell | Art: Louis Netter | Rosarium | $19.95 1879. After decades of violence, of fleeing, of having gone everywhere from Floridato Mexico, a war-weary band of Seminole Blacks led by their sheriff, Desi Leans, and his wise-cracking deputy, Gay Day, have finally settled in the Oklahoma Territory. They have built their dream, Refuge, and they will do whatever it takes to make it work. But they fear that it may all go up in smoke when a band of renegade Buffalo Soldiers, The Testimony Gang, and their firebrand leader, Prester John, come to town. Will Refuge hold true to its promise or will it all be burned to the ground? SARA LONE #4 SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT #2 TALES FROM NOTTINGHAM #1 Story: David Hazan | Art/Cover: Shane Connery Volk | Mad Cave Studios | Mature | $3.99 Tales from Nottingham explores untold stories from the twisted universe of Nottingham, including the secret origins of Robin Hood and the Merry Men, Marian's violent past, Aya of the Hashashin's first kill, and an ordeal that will shake Friar Tuck to his core. Never-before-seen mysteries confront Everard Blackthorne, the Sheriff of Nottingham, culminating in an investigation that will lead directly into the climactic events of Nottingham Volume 3. This anthology reunites Nottingham series creators David Hazan and Shane Connery Volk, while also bringing diverse new talent into the world of Nottingham, including Eisner and GLAAD nominated writer Magdalene Visaggio. I believe there are some Nottingham fans on the board. THUD DOUBLE VISION MAGAZINE #3 TITAN: MOUSE OF MIGHT #1 Story/Art: Gary Shipman | Blood Moon Comics | Mature | $4.99 Titan is an extraordinary mouse that has been endowed with powers beyond that of a normal mouse. He has taken on the appearance of a Dark Flyer, the mortal enemy of his kind. Titan is originally from another world were the animals are intelligent (see the Pakkins' Land). After triggering an explosion in his world Titan is transported to the world of man. Issue One: Titan sets out on a rescue mission to save another of his kind from the evil Ryan Research Center (RRC). Should Mighty Mouse sue, or Batman? VIGIA #1 (OF 5) Story: C.J. Hudson | Art: Rodrigo Gil | Cover: Yana Bogatch | Band of Bards | $5.99 An alien science officer, along with her companion artificial intelligence, crash land on a strange world only to discover a long dead civilization, that isn't so dead after all. Follow Gazala and Adi as they seek a way off of a supposedly dead planet only to be confronted by terror at every turn as they seek to uncover the gruesom secrets of the Qon. Part archeological survey, part horror, all action-packed thrill ride. Nothing says excitement like "archaeological survey." MORE MANGA BIBI & MIYU MANGA VOL 3 GN CHERRY MAGIC VOL 6 GN EVIL SECRET SOCIETY OF CATS VOL 2 GN FIRE
Grader Notes | VF/NM or Better (9.0) |
UPC | No |
Publisher | Image Comics |
Character | Cyber Force |
Grade | 9.0 VF/NM |
Genre | Superheroes |
Certification | N/A |
Signed | N/A |