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Detective Comics #657 #658 (1993) NM- 9.2 Sam Keith/Kelly Jones cover Azrael|
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Batman: The Imposter (2021) #1 NM- Andrea Sorrentino Cover Black Label
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Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #7 NM- 1:25 Ian Churchill Variant Cover
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Detective Comics (1937) #521 NM- (9.2) Green Arrow Back-Up Begins Batman
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World’s Finest (1941) #105 GD (2.0) Curt Swan Batman Superman Dick Sprang Robin
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Batman (1940) #365 NM- (9.2) Joker Jason Todd Barbara Gordon
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Detective Comics (1937) #'s 604 605 606 607 Complete NM- (9.2) "The Mud Pack"
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Detective Comics (1937) #334 GD (2.0) Robin Carmine Infantino Batman
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Detective Comics (1937) #344 VG- (3.5) Batman Elongated Man Carmine Infantino
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Batman (1940) #245 GD (2.0) Neal Adams Cover & Story
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Detective Comics (1937) #346 VG+ (4.5) Batman Robin Carmine Infantino Cover
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Batman (1940) #409 NM- (9.2) Ross Andru Jason Todd
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Batman (1940) #309 NM- (9.2) Jim Aparo Cover
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Batman (1940) #167 GD (2.0) Carmine Infantino Cover Sheldon Moldoff Robin
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Batman (1940) #409 NM- (9.2) Ross Andru Art Jason Todd
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Detective Comics (1937) #294 GD (2.0) Robin Batman Sheldon Moldoff
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Brave and the Bold (1955) #101 NM- (9.2) Batman & Metamorpho
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Detective Comics (1937) #263 GD (2.0) Curt Swan Robin un
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Detective Comics (1937) #458 NM- (9.2) Ernie Chan José Luis GarcÃa-López
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Batman (1940) #143 GD (2.0) Ace the Bat-Hound
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Detective Comics (1937) #449 NM- (9.2) Ernie Chan Cover and Art
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Detective Comics (1937) #293 GD (2.0) Robin Batman Sheldon Moldoff
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Detective Comics (1937) #258 GD (2.0) Robot Cover Curt Swan Robin un
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Detective Comics (1937) #466 NM- (9.2) Ernie Chan Cover/Art